Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bunk Bed Ladder Turned Outdoor Planter


One of the greatest things about having adult children is that they tend to use your garage as a storage facility.  Well, my husband wouldn't consider that one of the greatest things, he loves his children dearly but grimaces every time they move out of an apartment or dorm room.  He knows our garage will be filled again with extra bed frames, tables and boxes of unknown goodies.  I, on the other hand, welcome all the new (or should I say old and second hand) treasures.  Now, just to be fair, I always ask the kiddos if I can saw, sand or rip apart their belongings before I start my transformations.  They usually say yes, after all their father and I purchased most of what returns to the garage.  So, when I asked my almost college grad daughter if I could have the ladder to her former loft bed, after looking at me like I was crazy, she said yes!
I'd been pondering what to do with the bed and ladder for some time.  It was made of solid wood in a  basic construction design.  While I have future plans for the bed; it will probably become a desk or table, and that will be a bigger project for a school  holiday,  I finally decided what I wanted to do with the ladder.  I took it outside and propped it against the side of the house that gets a full eight hours of sun on most days. I then searched for some wall planters that I've had for years, they've had different uses in oh so many houses.  I finally found them and now they are part of my latest re-purposed project.....My new succulent garden.

 If you follow Hartley Rowe, you already know I love succulents.  I created an Etsy Treasury List of some great succulent creations from Etsy artists and posted  here it on my blog.  I always have, ever since my Grandmother helped me to plant my very own hens and chicks planter 40 years ago.  Now, living in San Diego, there are no shortages of succulents in our garden.  I have so many I give away hundreds of clippings every year.  I used some of those clippings to add to the small planters that I attached to the rungs of the ladder.  I love looking out of my window each morning and seeing these cut little hens and chicks in their new home.

 I wish I had better pictures for you in this post.  They were taken on one of the few rainy days here in San Diego and they also prove that I need a new camera...Hubby, are you listening? :)

What is the most unusual re-purpose or upcycle project you have done?  I'd love to see pictures or hear all about it.  Thanks so much!

~ Alison

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