I love to take my photographs and transfer them on to other surfaces. I use recycled and salvaged lumber whenever I can. You never know what treasures may appear beneath years of aged finishes. I love sanding the pieces and then deciding what I'm going to do with them. Most of them become bases for my photographs with some also become useful organizational pieces. In these pictures you can see how I've turned some of them into jewelry holders ~ or holders for many other items such as keys or doggy leashes.
On the boards above, I actually transferred the photographs onto flat canvas boards and then attached them to the wooden boards with antique style tacks. Some I left plain, while others were finished with a colored stain. Hooks or knobs have been added for function.
I have other creations to share coming up soon. Keep an eye out for what I've created using that cool picture of China Town that was taken last August. I just can't wait to visit my son and his beloved city again soon! If you've been lucky enough to visit, or even live in, San Francisco, I'd love to hear where your favorite parts of the city are located.
~ Alison