Three day weekends bring us the extra time to do special projects around the house. This three day weekend did just that ~ a full day in the garden. While I love having the extra day, I try very hard not to forget why we're having such a wonderful weekend. I'll have a post to honor our brave service members of the military who have given the ultimate sacrifice, and those still serving, on Memorial Day.
For today's post, I thought I would post a few pictures that I took on this glorious day here in sunny San Diego...from my very own backyard. I thought I would have some fun and show some more of the wonderful tools Picasa 3 has to offer. Take a look at the before and after photos below. I've also added the Picasa 3 tool that was used to edit each one. If you have any questions about the program or want to read more, you can check out my earlier post, Picasa 3, Meet San Francisco.

For the picture above, I chose the "Vignette" tool.

The tool above was the "Focal Zoom"
The tool used for this picture is "Holga-ish". I love the vintage feel it gives to the setting.

This fun tool is called "Pencil Sketch"!
I used two tools for the picture above. First I added text with the "text" tool.
Then I applied the "Boost" feature. My husband and I thought this little succulent looked like
an alien calling out for help :)

For the beautiful rose above, I added the "Focal Black & White"
tool as well as the "Glow" feature.
I love it!
The tool above is the "Polaroid" tool. You can even choose your background color!
For the roses here, I used the "Lomo-ish" tool. It's another
vintage inspired feature.
The lighting was very poor for the picture of the perfect peach above. I used the "1960's" tool first,
followed by the "Cross Process" feature. I think it sharpened the picture and brought it into
focus. Now the perfect peach looks ripe enough for tonight's dessert :)
I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our garden. They were made even better by the addition of all the great Picasa 3 tools. If you've read many of my posts you know I'm a Google nut. Picasa 3 is just one of the reasons why I love Google so much!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!