Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday's Treasury List ~ May Day, A Welcome to Spring!

I love customs and traditions. Perhaps one of our most intriguing seasonal holidays/festivals is May Day. I thought I would search Etsy.com for artists who have created special May Day treasures. Enjoy these beautiful creations!

'~ May Day ~ A Welcome to Spring' by hartleyrowe

While not an official holiday for many reasons, political and religious ~ it is truly the first official welcoming of Spring. Happy May Day, Everyone!

Wonderful Maypole. Loads of Children Dancing.  MAY DAY Vintage Illustration. DIGITAL  Download. Vintage May Day Print. Jessie Wilcox Smith - DandDDigitalDelights
Joyful May Day Digital Collage Sheet Welcome Spring with Maypole Dancing Flowers Birds Children - ValentineGrimm
May Day in the Country  hand cut wood wooden jigsaw puzzle  9.5" x 12.5" 175-225 pieces - PersimmonPuzzles
Ca. 1901-1906 Rare May Day Undivided Back Postcard w/ Ladies - 533 - pecanhillantiques
Antique Doulton Bowl MAY DAY - lasadana
Colorful Children Around The May Pole.  MAY DAY Vintage Illustration. DIGITAL  Download. Vintage May Day Print. Jessie Wilcox Smith - DandDDigitalDelights
Spring Card - May Day Funny Watercolor Animals Greeting Card - Bunny Rabbits Pig Chickens Farm Animals - 'Around The Maypole' - tylersworkshop
Fab Maypole Children Dancers. MAY DAY Vintage Illustration. DIGITAL  Download. Vintage May Day Print. Jessie Wilcox Smith - DandDDigitalDelights
May DAY -Original Painting Flying Pigs Fly around the May Pole with mixed results, When pigs fly - SharonFosterArt
Wonderful Silhouette MAY Day Vintage Illustration. Dancing Around Maypole. Digital  Download. Vintage Easter Print. - DandDDigitalDelights
Stunning Gorgeous Art DECO May DAY. May Pole. Vintage Illustration. Vintage Digital Download. Vintage Digital Print - DandDDigitalDelights
The May Pole  hand cut wood wooden jigsaw puzzle  8.75" round  75-125 pieces - PersimmonPuzzles
May Pole Fairy Houses Upon a Star - The Circle of Spring May Day Celebration by Bewilder and Pine - bewilderandpine
Lovely Girl With May Day Flowers.  MAY DAY Vintage Illustration. DIGITAL  Download. Vintage May Day Print. - DandDDigitalDelights
Creating The Maypole. MAY DAY Vintage Illustration. DIGITAL  Download. Vintage May Day Print. - DandDDigitalDelights
Limited Edition Print "Old Dover Days" - ntaylorcollins

Treasury tool by StylishHome.
