"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"!
This plaque hangs over the pantry door in our kitchen. We have started decorating our home for the holidays, but this decoration was not unpacked from one of our 13 boxes of Christmas decorations. You see, it hangs in our home year round. Sure, we bought it for a holiday decoration almost ten years ago, but it has changed into much more than that. My husband actually found it and had to have it. I agreed! I love everything it stands for. The holidays are a time when friends and family are closer and there is excitement in the air. However, in early January, when it is time to put away all the decorations, this one does not make it in the boxes. I decided long ago we should have it displayed year round to help us remember that every day can be the most wonderful day of the year. All we need is a little reminder. So, here we are, 10 Christmases and six houses later, and it is still a reminder that every day is special and any time can be the most wonderful time of the year!
Here are a few pictures taken Thanksgiving weekend as we started our Christmas decorating.
With each Navy move, we are always faced with the dilemma of where we are going to put our Christmas Tree. This year we found the perfect North Carolina Fraser Fir at a local tree lot here in San Diego. Boy was this Carolina girl a happy one! It was a smaller than usual tree for us, but it was perfect! We have it in our family room and I smile and think of my childhood every time I walk in the room.
Below is our sweet kitty cat, Smokey, standing guard (or sleeping on the job) and waiting for Santa Claus. Our stocking are hung by the chimney with care and our family room is ready for "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year".....now I must finish the rest of the house!
I wish you all Happy Decorating, and may every day be the most wonderful time of the year!
~ Alison