Sunday, September 30, 2012
My Bin Runneth Over!
It's been almost a month since my last blog post, Etsy creation listing, or home DIY project. Where has the month gone? It has certainly flown by.
I've been busy getting back to work with the beginning of a new school year. My day job, as I call it, takes precedence over most everything else at the beginning of the year. I am busy settling into a new year with new lesson plans in the library for my 540 wonderful Wildcats. I love my job! I'm so thankful that the two things that keep me from progressing on the creative, home business, front are things that I family and my day job!
The picture above is of how my day begins each and every day. Some people may look at that bin full of books and see an overwhelming amount of work to do. I look at it and think of all the wonderful adventures my Wildcats have experienced with the turn of every page. I can't wait to check the books in and get more ready for them to check out again. I always strive to introduce them to the joy of reading in fun and exciting ways.....while touching on the exhausting list of standards they must meet in order to proceed to their next milestone in learning. (Or master on their standardized tests!) So, when I get discouraged about not making progress on my "side" job, or as my husband calls it, our pre-retirement experiment, I think of all my Wildcats and how much they love their library......