My husband and I have been looking for a world map to display in our home for ages. The two of us, along with all four of our children, are serious geography buffs. We love to travel and to dream of traveling. It has always been our plan to display a nice map and put coordinating pins on the places we've lived and visited. Being a military family, that would mean lots of space filled on the map.
The perfect map has eluded me because of the price. I found one
that was perfect, but the cost of $389.00 was not. So, I searched for a print or poster that we could live with. I found the perfect poster at Barnes and Noble, and it cost only $7.50! I had remembered seeing a blog post (I'm so sorry I can't remember the name of the blog) where someone had mounted a large poster on a piece of foam core. I thought that was a great idea, but I wanted something a bit thicker. My first thought was a piece of plywood, but that would be too heavy. Styrofoam didn't come in a size large enough (we needed 32 x 50) and it was also too expensive. So, off we went yesterday to my favorite store, Home Depot. I found the perfect material ~ a large sheet of insulation board. It comes in a 4' x 8' sheet and is 1.5" thick. The cost.....................$7.50! So, we pulled it off the shelf, paid for it, and out the door we went.
There was one small problem with our purchase, however. We had taken my husband's small car to Home Depot...not my Honda Pilot. You can imagine the entertainment we provided for all the customers in the parking lot. Luckily, I had a tape measure and my husband had a multi-blade tool in his glove box. So we measured and cut until we had several pieces of insulation board that would fit in the car. That was not one of my better DIY moments.
This project, which I was very excited to start because of the expected ease of the procedure, was completed today. The words "excited" and "ease" should have never been used. It was early on that I became less excited and realized it would not be an easy job. It took all day. So, here we go....I took some lemons and wrestled them into lemonade ~ a bit sour, but still tasty enough to serve.
It all started off okay. I cut the board to the exact dimensions of the poster. I painted the edges with my favorite "around the house" color of Raw Umber to match the poster. I was able to sand the edges before I painted them with a sanding block. The board actually took on a wooden look as it was sanded and painted. I was pretty pleased with how things were going and then disaster struck.
My first mistake was spraying the repositionable adhesive needed to adhere the poster to the board outside. It is unseasonably hot here in San Diego ~ a cool 94 degrees today. I could not spray the adhesive indoors because of the fumes. The garage was inaccessible because we have the contents of my son's apartment, which he just moved out of last week, filling the entire space. So, outside I went. I sprayed the adhesive on the board, quickly ran the board inside and started rolling the poster out on the surface. My husband had to help me with this to make sure we got the poster lined up properly. * One tip I've learned over the years is to re-roll the picture or poster that you are using so that it faces inward instead of how it was packaged for sale facing outward. That way, it is ready to roll onto your prepared surface.
So, the poster rolled out perfectly and seemed to adhere properly. The next step was to seal the poster with several coats of sealant. I am a Mod Podge fanatic, so I turned to my bottle of matte finish Mod Podge and went to work. As soon as I started to go over the surface with the Mod Podge, the adhesive started to give way. The poster was no longer sticking to the surface and was rolling up with every stroke of my sponge brush. I almost cried and was ready to chuck the whole project in the garbage bin, but then I regrouped. I quickly, pulled the entire poster off the board (thank goodness it was "repositionable" adhesive), poured almost half the bottle of Mod Podge onto the board and started smoothing it out like cement being poured for a sidewalk. Once the board was covered, I laid the poster back on the board and started smoothing out the wrinkles caused by the evaporating spray adhesive. I was literally wrestling with time, the poster, and the Mod Podge. OK, maybe I was only figuratively wrestling with them. Anyway, I'm told by my husband and son that the whole process was quite the sight to see. I was in repair mode and did not even notice them watching. My husband has learned over the years to give me space and not let his presence be known if I am in "project-panic" mode.
See all the wrinkles!
The poster was finally affixed to the board. The only problem was that there were more wrinkles on the poster than on a cute little Shar-pei's face. So, I just sealed the entire surface with Mod Podge, left the room, and waited. As I returned to the map, each coat of Mod Podge made it a bit more presentable. The final decision was to allow the map to be displayed and see if it grows on us.
Our plan is to put red push pins on locations where we have lived and black ones on locations we have visited.